4. External transmission of the source using push function of Wowza Media Server개발영역/와우자서버 2016. 12. 12. 16:21
4. External transmission of the source using push function of Woozy Media Server
Often it is necessary to send the source, which is the role of the encoder, to push.
In the meantime, we will configure the encoder to preserve encoder performance and provide rtmp sources to various external sources.
I will describe the existing test publishing point on the assumption that there is push input from encoder as mystream name.
By default, the live posting point is rtmp: // localhost: 1935 / live / mytest.stream
Let's put the streaming source into another publishing point, taking advantage of push as a name.
As shown in the figure below, push function is not used by default.
Stream Targets The part of the item that uses the function that can be transmitted to the outside.
- I) Select Enable Stream Targets to activate the function..
ii) Select Add Stream Target and select the address you want to send.
The Wowza Streaming Engine is selected because the server is trying to transfer to the Wowers Media Server.
You can just skip it after you've selected it.
Go to the next step
Just insert the information where you want. Then,
Rtmp: // localhost: 1935 / live / mytest.stream I will configure the streaming to come from the publishing point.
- 단계별 설정 정보를 삽입한 후 모습
If the setting is not normal, the Status does not turn green.
Iii) Verify streaming to the desired publishing point
Rtmp: // localhost: 1935 / live / mytest.stream Check if the image is coming from the publishing point.
정상적인 입력 확인
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